Alabama Family Central
Find the answers you’re looking for to raise strong, healthy children. No matter if you’re a parent, family member, caregiver or teacher, Alabama Family Central makes finding education, healthcare, child care and family resources fast and easy. We’re your one-stop destination, connecting you with hundreds of programs, tools, services and support.
Great families need strong partners. So with leadership from the Children’s Cabinet, was created. Here, state agencies and other organizations have partnered to support Alabama’s families, sharing all available state agency resources related to the health and well-being of children in one easy-to-use online destination.
What is Alabama Family Central?
Alabama Family Central has been a goal for several years from the creation of the Department of Children’s Affairs in 2001 through the priorities of the Governor’s Children’s Cabinet in recent years. As a single platform for families to access services and programs, its purpose is to help families easily navigate and find links to supports they need.
State agency partners include Departments of Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Early Childhood Education, Education, Human Resources, Medicaid, Mental Health, Public Health, Rehabilitation Services/Early Intervention, A+ Education Partnership, with support from the Office of Information Technology.
A steering committee has guided the development and will oversee the administration of the website. The Alabama Partnership for Children, a statewide public/private partnership, manages the project.