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Blueprint for Zero to Five

Building the Best Path for Every Alabama Child

What is Blueprint for Zero to Five?

The Blueprint for Zero to Five (School Readiness) is a framework of measurable indicators for child well-being that guides the APC’s work. Using this framework, the APC directs resources and efforts towards effective actions and programs that promote the optimal development of Alabama’s children birth to age five. The Blueprint for Zero to Five (School Readiness) is developed and supported by state leaders, local service providers, and parents, to serve as a comprehensive structure for funding, advocacy, accountability, and policy decisions.


The Blueprint for Zero to Five (School Readiness) originally evolved through the work of the Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems initiative, and is based on the report from the National School Readiness Indicators Initiative. This 17-state initiative’s objectives are:

  • To create a set of measurable indicators related to and defining school readiness that can be tracked over time at the state and local levels
  • To have states and local governments adopt this indicators-based definition of school readiness, fill in gaps in data availability, track data over time and report findings to the citizens
  • To stimulate policy, program and other actions to improve the ability of all children to read at grade level by the end of the third grade.

How it works.

Statewide implementation of the work is directed by an advisory committee that continuously defines priorities, supports specific actions, identifies or develops data sources, and measures and reports results. Local communities are encouraged to use the Blueprint for Zero to Five (School Readiness) as a framework to build local partnerships, identify community resources and needs, and develop a plan to promote optimal child development that is based on research and measurable indicators.

2018 Blueprint for Strong Families, School Readiness, and Prosperity Materials

Other Blueprint Resources