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All support the healthy development of children

APC Programs

Find the answers you’re looking for to raise strong, healthy children. No matter if you’re a parent, family member, caregiver or teacher, Alabama Family Central makes finding education, healthcare, child care and family resources fast and easy. We’re your one-stop destination, connecting you with hundreds of programs, tools, services and support.


The APC understands the importance of early childhood health and wellness, and continuously works with partners to implement statewide obesity prevention strategies. Two recent efforts include facilitating the Early Care and Education Learning Collaborative (ECELC) and participating in Healthy Child Care, Healthy Communities.


Feed Me Words’ mission is to support the language and literacy development of Alabama’s youngest children (from birth to age 5) by providing the adults in their lives with access to and awareness of early language and literacy resources.


First 5 Alabama is a professional association that works to nurture strong relationships among young children and all the adults who care for them. F5A is focused on promoting the healthy social and emotional development of all Alabama children from birth through age five.


Help Me Grow Alabama is a free information and referral line that helps connect families of children birth to age eight to health and developmental resources in their community.

Strengthening Families is a research-based, cost-effective strategy that builds on protective factors to increase family stability, enhance child development, and reduce child abuse and neglect.

TEACH Early Childhood® ALABAMA is a scholarship program that was developed to increase the level of education and effectiveness of early learning professionals by making the educational process more affordable, increasing wages, and reducing staff turnover rates.