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About the Alabama Partnership for Children

Every Alabama Child Will Have the Opportunity to Succeed in Life

The APC is governed by a 28-member board of directors. The agency bylaws name the positions for each board member, including 10 ex-officio directors and 18 board appointments.


We’re committed to promoting the healthy development of Alabama’s children. Our staff members are experts in their fields, and they work together to provide a variety of programs, services, and resources to families statewide.


The Blueprint for Zero to Five (School Readiness) is a framework comprised of measurable indicators for child well-being that guides the APC’s work.

Who is the Alabama Partnership for Children?

The Alabama Partnership for Children (APC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization created to develop, design, and implement a unified approach for improving outcomes of children from birth to age five in Alabama. This public/private partnership is a distinct initiative to develop and strengthen systems, forge strategies, and increase public awareness for all early childhood programs in Alabama. The APC is guided by a diverse board of directors committed to enhancing the quality of life for children birth to five years in Alabama by supporting strong families, access to quality health services, and quality early learning experiences.


How was the APC created?

In 2000, government officials, service providers, advocates, and business leaders came together to discuss and share ideas regarding the enormous needs of Alabama’s children. Perhaps the most significant outcome of these meetings was recognition of the need for improving systems of services, streamlining coordination, and maximizing available resources. The need for a better synchronized structure for public/private partnerships led to the creation of the APC.


How is the APC operated?

The APC is governed by a 28-member board of directors.  The agency bylaws name the positions for each board member, and 18 appointments to the board are made by the Governor, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Pro Tempore of the Senate, and the APC Executive Committee.  There are also ten ex-officio directors who hold positions on the APC Board due to their positions in the government of the State of Alabama.


Why “Zero to 5 Matters”?

The future of our state, nation, and world lies in the hands of ALL of our children. Research has proven that ensuring the prosperity of our communities, state, country, and the world depends on the healthy development and education of our youngest citizens from birth to five years old. Our desire is to create awareness and partnerships that will give all children in Alabama a best possible start in life. That said, our goal is simple yet huge – a central focus on Alabama children Zero to 5 Matters!


Our mission is to work in partnership with families and organizations to ensure that all Alabama children (birth to five) get everything they need to develop to their fullest potential.


The APC is governed by a 28-member board of directors. The agency bylaws name the positions for each board member, and 18 appointments to the board are made by the Governor, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Pro Tempore of the Senate, and the APC Executive Committee. There are also ten ex-officio directors who hold positions on the APC Board due to their positions in the government of the State of Alabama. Those positions include: Attorney General, State Superintendent of Education, Secretary of the Department of Early Childhood Education, Director of the Office of School Readiness, Commissioner of the Department of Human Resources, State Public Health Officer, Commissioner of the Department of Rehabilitation Services, Commissioner of the Department of Mental Health, Commissioner of the Alabama Medicaid Agency, and Executive Director of the Department of Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention.