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Child Care Stability Grant

Child Care Stability Grant

Since the start of the novel Covid-19 pandemic, the Department has issued grants to child care providers to help stabilize the child care community. In our continued efforts in supporting this community, the Department of Human Resources announces the July 2024 Child Care Stability Grant. The Department is ensuring the remaining grant funds are fully utilized before September 30, 2024. The amount and number of grants awarded are contingent upon availability of funds.

The award is based on the maximum child capacity by type of facility and the availability of funds. Because the grants are fully supported by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, specific requirements for eligibility must be met prior to the issuance of funds. Eligible programs for this grant are any child care programs/classrooms that are issued a Child Care Services Division license with the exception of Head Start exclusive programs and non-DHR Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships. The capacities of excluded programs and/or classrooms shall be deducted from your total licensed daytime capacity to determine the award amount for your facility. The application and grant guidance can be found at The application period is July 15, 2024, through August 12, 2024, and should be submitted to the vendors below based on your county.

Applications submitted prior to July 15 will be processed starting on July 15. There is no need to submit a duplicate application.

For questions not mentioned in the FAQs, please contact the regional agency serving your area from the two options listed below.

Alabama Partnership for Children (Covington, Butler, Lowndes, Wilcox, Dallas, Autauga, Chilton, Elmore, Montgomery, Bullock Counties)
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (334) 271-0304 or 1-866-711-4025

Talladega Clay Randolph Child Care Corporation (all other counties not listed above)
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (256) 362-3852 ext. 31

Frequently Asked Questions?

Any child care programs/classrooms that are issued a Child Care Services Division license. Programs/classrooms that exclusively serve children in Head Start and Non-DHR Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships are ineligible. Your facility must be a privately owned, DHR license entity, and have no adverse reactions prior to the application period. Programs/classrooms must meet all requirements in order to be eligible to apply.

Funding for the grant is based on the maximum child capacity using the table below. The number of grants awarded are contingent upon availability of funds.

Capacity 0-50: Center-$25,000, Family-$8,000, Group-$11,000

Capacity 51-99: Center-$32,000, Family-NA, Group-NA

Capacity over 100: Center-$43,000, Family-NA, Group-NA

*Providers who have Head Start/non-DHR EHS-CCP classrooms must deduct capacities from those classrooms from their total licensed capacity when applying for grant funding. For example, XYZ Child Care has both Head Start and Non DHR EHS-CCP classrooms. The capacity in those rooms total 24. The capacity for XYZ Child Care is 64. Taking the total capacity of 64 minus the total capacity for the Head Start and Non DHR EHS-CCP classroom capacity 24 (64-24= 40), XYZ Child Care has a maximum child capacity of 40. Therefore, XYZ Child Care is eligible for a grant total of $25,000.

Your facility must have been licensed through DHR on or before July 1, 2024, to qualify for funding under the grant criteria.

Applications will be accepted starting on July 15, 2024, through August 12, 2024. No late applications will be accepted.

A separate application must be submitted for each location and each location must meet the eligibility requirements to be eligible.

The daytime capacity listed on the license current as of July 1, 2024, reduced by the capacities of the programs/classrooms excluded from this grant. Nighttime capacity should not be included.

Contact your regional agency handling your application and provide them with the information they will need to fulfill that request. Payments will not be made through the Alabama STAARS Vendor System and are not associated with the Alabama Quality Stars Rating incentives.

Providers may choose to use the funding in any manner to support the child care facilty, including minor remodeling. The exception is major construction or renovations; grant funds shall not be expended for the purchase or improvement of land, or the purchase, construction, or permanent improvement (other than minor remodeling) of any building or facility used to increase the square footage of a facility in any way.

Yes. A 1099 will be issued by the vendor. Contact your tax professional for instructions on how to report the grant.

No, an expenditure report is not required. Providers should maintain adequate documentation (receipts, banking statements, paid invoices, etc.) in the event of an audit. You will complete and submit a “Proposed Expenditure Reporting Form” as part of your grant application that will document your estimates for expenditures.

Your grant funding will be determined by taking the total licensed capacity and deducting the capacity for all Head Start/Non-DHR EHS-CCP classrooms to calculate the final eligible capacity for grant funding.