The Alabama Partnership for Children (APC), with funding from the Alliance for Early Success, is creating opportunities to promote expansion and enhancement of Home Visiting (HV) services in Alabama, in coordination with the Departments of Early Childhood Education and Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention. Through engagement and guidance from the Home Visiting Advisory Board, the APC has prioritized education and advocacy about the needs and concerns of very young children in order to work towards a cohesive message about the importance of Home Visiting for all of Alabama’s children and families. Thus far, the work has resulted in the following resources:
- Statewide Overview of Home Visiting Services in Alabama: Results of Home Visiting Environmental Scan
- APC Home Visiting Fact Sheet
- APC Home Visiting Palm Card
The APC does not provide direct Home Visiting services, but by working with providers of the programs, as well as the agencies that support these programs and the communities and families that receive the services, the APC is linking stakeholders across the state to give Home Visiting a unified voice to better serve children and families and to emphasize the important and unique place for Home Visiting in the early education system.
For more information on the APC’s Home Visiting Advocacy work, contact Gail Piggott by email at or by phone at 1-866-711-4025.