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A program of the Alabama Partnership for Children

First 5 Alabama

First 5 Alabama

First 5 Alabama (F5A) is a professional association that works to nurture strong relationships among young children and all the adults who care for them. F5A is focused on promoting the healthy social and emotional development of all Alabama children from birth through age five. One of our goals is to provide parents/caregivers and other people working with young children and their families (such as child care workers, home visitors, and pediatricians) the knowledge, skills, and practices that support healthy social and emotional development.

Visit the website to learn more:

What is F5A?

F5A is a statewide network of like-minded people in the rapidly developing and changing field of infant mental health. Its vision is that all Alabama children thrive by age five.

What is F5A all about?

The F5A mission is to enhance healthy-attachment relationships between children birth to age five and the adults who care for them through promotion, prevention, and intervention supports throughout Alabama’s early childhood systems.

Who should join?

Anyone interested in the healthy development of children pre-birth to age five. Our membership is comprised of professionals from all disciplines that work with children and families – as well as parents, caregivers and other individuals – who value and support the social-emotional health of the very young. Association membership is also required for those seeking one of the four categories of Endorsement® appropriate for practitioners, teachers, counselors, and leaders in the early childhood and mental health fields.

  • To promote throughout Alabama, the healthy social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development of young children through supportive and nurturing relationships from conception through five years of age;
  • To facilitate interdisciplinary cooperation among individuals concerned with promoting conditions that will bring about the optimal development of young children and child-caregiver and child-parent relationships;
  • To encourage the realization that early childhood is a sensitive period in the psychosocial development of individuals;
  • To promote education, research, and study of the effects of mental development during early childhood on later social/emotional/behavioral and psychopathological development;
  • To promote education, professional development, and expertise of a cadre of professionals concerning the mental health of young children, families and other caregivers of young children;
  • To promote the development of scientifically based and/or informed programs of care, promotion, intervention, and prevention of mental impairment in early childhood.

All infants and their caregivers deserve supports and services that encourage nurturing relationships. Professionals from a variety of disciplines can use a range of infant mental health strategies to foster healthy development. By joining AAIECMH (F5A), you help us move closer to creating a cohesive system of infant mental health in Alabama. Also, by joining AAIECMH (F5A), you are supporting our work toward optimal early social and emotional development for children across Alabama. Investing in human potential improves the economic future and overall well-being of our communities and state.


  • Notification of professional development opportunities;
  • Monthly update on current resources and information: First 5 Footnotes;
  • Participation in annual membership meeting;
  • Network with a diverse and interdisciplinary group of infant mental health professionals while advancing the work of First 5 Alabama;
  • Access to a nationally recognized professional endorsement system for infant-family practitioners;
  • Opportunity to receive Reflective Supervision or become a recognized Reflective Supervisor on the state registry;
  • Member of the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health®.
  • 1 Year Association Dues $25.00 (Professional)

    1 Year Agency Membership (up to 10 staff) $250

    1 Year Agency Membership (up to 20 staff) $500

    1 Year Association Dues $15.00 (Student)

    1 Year Association Dues $10.00 (Parent)

Contact Delia Hasberry, First 5 Alabama Program Coordinator at [email protected].

To learn more about First 5 Alabama, visit:

First 5 Alabama Resources:

Click on resource picture to download PDF

Membership Form


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First 5 Alabama

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