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A Child Wellness Program of the Alabama Partnership for Children

Alabama Healthy Kids, Healthy Future

Alabama Healthy Kids, Healthy Future

In the state of Alabama, the rate of obesity in 2020 was 39%, one of the highest rates of obesity in the United States (CDC, 2020). While obesity is caused by many factors, quality nutrition and physical activity can reduce the likelihood of developing chronic health conditions later in life. Focusing on the early care and education setting for adopting healthy habits has shown to be effective in promoting healthy eating and physical activity. 

Alabama Healthy Kids, Healthy Future is a health promotion program under the Alabama Partnership for Children with the mission to ensure all young children in child care have a healthy start in life. Through our program, we provide trainings, resources, and opportunities to child care programs throughout the state of Alabama. We also partner with stakeholders to impact state systems changes that ensure all children in child care have equitable access to healthy choices. 

What is Child Health & Wellness?

The APC understands the importance of health and wellness in early childhood and continuously works with partners on implementing statewide obesity prevention strategies. Recent efforts of the APC include facilitating the Early Care and Education Learning Collaborative (ECELC), participating in Healthy Child Care, Healthy Communities, and taking part in the Nemours Healthy Kids Healthy Future Technical Assistance Program.


Learn more about obesity prevention strategies in early care and education settings.

The APC is a strong supporter of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and recognizes the importance of full utilization of the program in Alabama amongst Early Care and Education providers. The APC sees CACFP as a necessary tool to combat child hunger and food insecurity, especially for our youngest and most vulnerable population. We know that child care providers have a powerful impact on children ages zero to five in helping them develop healthy eating habits, and participation in CACFP places ECE programs in a better position to create healthier eating environments and menus. 

Check out this video from our 2024 Active Play Summit to learn more about our training opportunities!

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