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Early Literacy Resources

Early literacy skills, which are the foundation for reading ability and school readiness, are the product of language exposure from parents and other adults who talk to young children. Reading aloud to young children is not only important for stimulating their language and cognitive skills; it also builds motivation, curiosity, and memory.



What We Know About Early Literacy and Language Development


Research: Early Literacy

Helping Your Child Become a Confident Reader and Writer Starting from Birth

Reading Tips for Your Family

Reading Tips for Your Family (Spanish)

Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies Book List

Milestones of Early Literacy Development


Milestones of Early Literacy Development (Spanish)

Home Literacy Environment Checklist

Home Literacy Environment Checklist (Spanish)

Classroom Literacy Environment Checklist

Classroom Literacy Environment Checklist (Spanish)

RRFTS Incentive Flyer

Access the FOCUS resources online here:

Early Literacy